
Client Chart Auditing

Preparing the facility for DCF audits by reviewing charts, Human Resource Records, and Physical space. Providing reports to owners, managers, directors outlining findings and best-care practice recommendations. Being on-site for DCF audit, utilizing our established relationships with the DCF auditors to assist obtaining a quick and positive outcome.

We can provide on-going quarterly chart and HR record auditing to address any ongoing patterns and keep record-keeping and documentation compliant, as well as meeting with staff to direct them on licensing or accreditation body’s compliance needs. Utilizing a third-person, outside source for reviewing charts, is paramount to catching trends in documentation that have become common to the internal staff so is not caught and therefore continues inaccurately. We can provide that clinical oversight of documentation review that allows your staff to improve clinically and therefore providing continuous growth in client care.

Each chart audit is followed by a report sent to leadership regarding the individual chart findings as well as ongoing patterns of non-compliance. Furthermore, suggestions will be provided for addressing continuous improvement based on the findings in the chart audits.

Human Resources File Auditing

Full auditing of all HR records or using a sample percentage, we will give a complete report of the status of each file, what is missing/required, and provide sample forms for use. Calming Waters Consulting, LLC will work closely with the Human Resources staff at the facility to address concerns, and to assure complete understanding of the processes.

Following best practices and licensure/accreditation compliance represent two main areas of the human resources audit. The audit can be utilized to assist in identifying strengths, weaknesses and any need for changes in processes and procedures. 
Although the primary focus of the session will be conducted based on licensure/accreditation compliance, the company’s Client Handbooks and HR Policies and Procedures will be reviewed to ascertain if the stated areas are being completed as well as whether they are in compliance.

To assist in preventing lawsuits regarding discrimination and wrongful termination, facilities must have clearly defined policies and procedures as well as employee handbooks. At hire, all employees must participate in a new employee orientation so that full disclosure of all policies and benefits are explained and clarified. New employees must also be given the time to raise any questions at this time. Facilities should then require the new employee to sign acknowledgement indicating they have received the information in writing. The orientation processes and documentation will also be part of the auditing process to assure the company has been fully upfront and compliant in all areas to assist in protecting the facility from issues arising from non-compliance.

A final report of findings, corrective action requirements, and best practice suggestions will be provided at the conclusion of the audit.

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